A. Flora Fairy is open 24/7 for online ordering from anywhere in the world.
Q. Where is the physical address for Flora Fairy office?
A. Flora Fairy Corporate office is based in the state of Utah in the united states. Our local store is in Rehab City in Cairo, Egypt.
Q. How can I contact Customer Service for Flora Fairy?
A. You can email us at [email protected] If you need to talk to someone in person, email us and request a call back and we will contact you.
Q. Do you charge tax on my order?
A. No. The price you see on the item is what you pay.
Q. Do you Charge delivery on my order?
A. No. we offer free delivery on our orders.
Q. Do you offer coupons or discounts?
A. Yes. when you create an account with us you will receive periodical coupons in your email depending on the marketing campaign at the time.
Q. Do you share my information with other companies?
A. No. we do not share, trade or sell your information. The information you provide is only to allow us to process your order.
Q. Is it safe to use my credit card on your website?
A. You are in a good hands, Flora Fairy is using state of the art E-commerce solution. The transaction processing of your payment is handled by US bank.
Q.How do I know that my order is delivered,?
A. You will a phone text confirmation that the order has been delivered.
Q.What if the recipient is not available to receive the order?
A. Our delivery team in Cairo communicate with the recipient by phone prior to dispatch to make sure he is available at the address to receive the order.